Our Mastery

Mastery goes beyond wanting to be the best. It is about wanting to stay the best. That requires patience, focus and a lot of love for your craft.

Robin van Dijk - Master Grower

For the love of hydrangea

Our love of the Hydrangea is deep-rooted. Our families have been growing the finest varieties for more than a century. We love the versatility and beauty of hydrangeas. They challenge us to keep developing new masterpieces.

It's all about love,
dedication and guts


We are third-generation growers, and we love what we do. This is evident from our meticulous way of working with respect for nature, our human corporate culture that offers everyone room for growth and our commitment to more sustainable cultivation and distribution.


We take so much pleasure in what we do that we want to know everything about it and improve our skills every day. To this end, we travel all around the world and keep our knowledge up to date. After all, there is no mastery without eagerness to learn.

The master has failed
more times than a
beginner has ever tried

Lots of courage

With more than 100 years of experience, we are not afraid to take bold steps: growing new varieties, entering into partnerships and leaving our mark on the market. We dare to discover new things, and to sometimes fail in the process. This is the only way to grow.

If you want to know more about The Mastergrowers?

Please contact Robin van Dijk or enter your details here and we will call you.